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Whether you're new to this Art or a seasoned practitioner, we offer many ways to keep you learning and plugged in with our special community. Sign up below to ensure you receive all of our announcements.
Online In-depth Intro Class
January 25 – March 15, 2025
This is an in-depth Introductory class using the Teachable platform. As past students have commented, this is a “phenomenal way to learn.” It’s going to be a 7-week course starting on January 25th, with 5 zoom classes for questions and review. Each week the material will be sent in 2 batches and will include study guides and videos for self-help and practice.
This course is valuable for those new to Jin Shin Jyutsu as well as long-time practitioners. It makes a great gift for yourself as well as others! The connections we’ve made with each other, and the animals who need our gifted touch are beyond measure.
Online In-depth Intro Class
5-Day Class in Switzerland
June 25-29, 2025 Aeugst am Albis, Switzerland A class to look forward to all year long! This 5-day class allows for a deep, immersive exploration of Jin Shin Jyutsu for you and your animals!
We are happy to offer the practical part of this class in Aeugst am Albis at the animal sanctuary of Ivo Zürcher, The animal sanctuary is currently home to 9 horses, 3 donkeys, 20 dogs, 12 cats, 6 pigs, 4 peacocks, turkeys, geese, ducks and pigeons, who are allowed to live freely together in their own rhythm and according to their nature. Class location and meeting point is the room “Engel” of the Kirchgemeindehaus, Pfarrhausstrasse 4 in 8911 Rifferswil. Directions will be provided in the registration
confirmation. Please contact the organizer if you have questions.
5-Day Self Help Class from Wednesday to Sunday, June 25 to 29, 2025
first class with Adele Leas Fr. 730.-
Reviewer Fr. 580.-
Reviewer with a certificate from Adele Leas. Fr. 530.-
Limited spaces for participants.
After receipt of your registration you will receive a confirmation letter with the details, bank references and directions to arrive at the class location and a list with accommodations nearby.
Your space will be reserved at our receipt of your payment, you will receive the bank reference for your transfer after your registration.
In case of a cancellation after May 25, 2025 an administration fee of Fr. 80.- will not be refunded.
In case of cancellation after June 11, 2025 the class fee will be retained.
For further information and registration please contact the organizer
Sonja J. Müller, Seeplatz 1, 6374 Buochs,
Mobile +41 (0)79 716 86,,
Einen Kurs auf den wir uns das ganze Jahr über freuen können! Dieser fünftägige Kurs ermöglicht Ihnen und Ihren Tieren eine tiefe, umfassende Erkundung des Jin Shin Jyutsu!
Wir freuen uns, diesen Kurs auf dem Gnadenhof von Ivo Zürcher, in Aeugst am
Albis anbieten zu dürfen. Auf dem Gnadenhof wohnen zur Zeit 9 Pferde, 3 Esel, 20 Hunde, 12 Katzen, 6 Schweine, 4 Pfaue, Truthähne, Gänse, Enten und Tauben, die in ihrem eigenen Rhythmus und ihrer Naturentsprechend frei miteinander leben dürfen. Treffpunkt und Theorie sind im Saal Engel,
Kirchgemeindehaus, Pfarrhausstrasse 4, 8911 Rifferswil. Wir werden an Ort für die tägliche
Mitfahrgelegenheit schauen. Anfahrtmöglichkeiten werden in der Anmeldebestätigung sein.
Jin Shin Jyutsu 5-Tage-Einführungskurs vom Mittwoch- Sonntag, 25. – 29. Juni 2025
erster Kurs bei Adele Leas Fr. 730.-
Wiederholer_in Fr. 580.-
von Adele Leas zertifizierte Wiederholer_in Fr. 530.-
Limitierte Teilnehmerzahl.
Nach Eingang Ihrer Anmeldung erhalten Sie eine Bestätigung mit den Kursdetails, den Bankreferenzen, einer
Wegbeschreibung und einer Liste mit Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten.
Ihr Platz wird reserviert nach Erhalt der Kursgebühr, Sie erhalten nach Ihrer Anmeldung die Kontoreferenzen für die Überweisung. Bei einer Annullierung nach dem 25. Mai 2025 wird eine Gebühr von Fr. 80.-
verrechnet. Bei einer Annullierung nach dem 11. Juni 2025 wird die Kursgebühr einbehalten.
Weitere Auskünfte und Anmeldungen bei:
Sonja J. Müller, Seeplatz 1, 6374 Buochs
Mobile: +41 (0)79 716 86,
5-Day Class in Switzerland
3-6 July, 2025 4-day course in the Netherlands
This year Adele will be coming to the Netherlands again, from 3 to 6 July in Stramproy.
These courses are open to all interested parties, even without prior knowledge of Jin Shin Jyutsu. This course is given in English, with Dutch translation.
We are very happy to welcome Adele Leas again at Stichting Dierenthoes Hurmes in Stramproy (municipality of Weert, the Netherlands). This location has various animal species with which you can practice: horses, dogs, cats and sheep.
From the website of Dierenthoes ( “We are Stichting Hurmes Dierenthoes and we have a clear goal: a forever home animal shelter for underprivileged animals that can no longer find a home in society because of their health, disability or behaviour. Or simply because no one wants them anymore. And we have succeeded quite well, currently about 300 animals have found their place with us and can count on a lot of love, attention and expert care from us and our volunteers. Always with respect for the special needs of the animal itself. Whether it is an extra cuddle (or not), a soft mattress, special food or medication, it makes no difference to us. And once at Hurmes, these animals never have to leave. They have found their forever home.” Practical information:
• 4-day introductory course on July 3, 4, 5 and 6, 2025
• Location: Stichting Hurmes Dierenthoes, Lochtstraat 22, 6039 RV Stramproy (NL.)
• Costs € 600.00, for newcomers, incl. book and A4 map of the safety energy locks dog/horse, incl. coffee/tea, lunch
• Costs € 500.00 for repeaters, excl. book and A4 map, incl. coffee/tea, lunch
For more information and registration:
Lidi Pijfers
Beukenhorst 59a
3972 HD Driebergen, mobile: 0(031)6-42812855
4 daagse cursus in Nederland
Ook dit jaar komt Adele weer naar Nederland en wel 3-6 juli in Stramproy.
Deze cursussen zijn toegankelijk voor alle geïnteresseerden, ook zonder voorafgaande kennis van Jin Shin Jyutsu. Deze cursus wordt gegeven in het Engels, met Nederlandse vertaling.
Wij zijn heel blij Adele Leas weer te mogen ontvangen bij Stichting Dierenthoes Hurmes in Stramproy (gemeente Weert, Nederland). Deze locatie heeft verschillende diersoorten waarmee geoefend kan worden: paarden, honden, katten en schapen.
Van de website van het Dierenthoes ( “Wij zijn Stichting Hurmes Dierenthoes en we hebben een duidelijk doel: een forever home dierenopvang voor kansarme dieren die in de maatschappij geen thuis meer kunnen vinden vanwege hun gezondheid, handicap of gedrag. Of gewoon omdat niemand hen meer wil hebben. En dat is aardig gelukt, momenteel hebben zo’n 300 dieren bij ons hun plekje gevonden en kunnen rekenen op veel liefde, aandacht en deskundige verzorging van ons en onze vrijwilligers. Altijd met respect voor de speciale behoeftes van het dier zelf. Of het nu een extra knuffel is (of juist niet), een zacht matrasje, speciale voeding of medicatie, dat maakt bij ons geen verschil. En eenmaal bij Hurmes, dan hoeven deze dieren nooit meer weg. Ze hebben hun forever home gevonden.” Praktische gegevens:
• 4-daagse introductiecursus op 3, 4, 5 en 6 juli 2025
• Locatie: Stichting Hurmes Dierenthoes, Lochtstraat 22, 6039 RV Stramproy (NL.)
• Kosten € 600,00, voor nieuwkomers, incl. boek en A4 kaart van de veiligheidsenergiesloten hond/paard, incl. koffie/thee, lunch
• Kosten € 500,00 voor herhalers, excl. boek en A4 kaart, incl. koffie/thee, lunch
Voor meer informatie en aanmelden:
Lidi Pijfers
Beukenhorst 59a
3972 HD Driebergen, mobiel: 0(031)6-42812855
3-Day Class at Muddy Paws Farm Rescue, NJ
September 19-21, 2025
Adele will teach a 3-day in-person, multi-species "Jin Shin Jyutsu for Animal Companion" class at Muddy Paws Farm Rescue in Southampton, New Jersey. What a great way to celebrate the end of summer and help lots of different animals species.
The Rescue is dedicated to rescuing farm animals who are neglected, abused, bound for slaughter or just for those needing a new forever home. We will share JSJ-love with over 100 farm animals including horses, donkeys, dogs, goats, cattle,
chickens, geese, roosters, turkeys, peacocks, sheep and cats -along with self-help and study.
When: September 19, 20, 21 (Friday-Sunday) Where: Muddy Paws Farm Rescue 17 Retreat Road, Southampton, New Jersey 08088 Website:
Tuition $495
Terri Land - 856-430-8714 -
Deanna Nikaido - 410-908-2125 -
Hotel: Holiday Inn Express
6000 Crawford Place
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
Ph: (856)727-0010 ext 401
Price: $129+ taxes and fees
You MUST book no later than 3 weeks prior to class to receive this rate.
Link to hotel:
3-Day Class at Muddy Paws Farm Rescue, NJ
4-Day Class at Alaqua Animal Refuge
October 9 - 12, 2025
Come join this four-day class that brings together all the beauty of Jin Shin Jyutsu and the joy of sharing it with a wide array of animals at Alaqua Animal Refuge! Adele has worked and taught at this 100 acre refuge on Florida’s Emerald Coast for over 14 years so it feels like coming home to learn the work here. Practicing Jin Shin Jyutsu is a powerful, proven, accessible and fun way to help animals feel harmony, health and balance.
Alaqua Animal Refuge has offered second chances to many thousands of animals, helping them find their for-ever homes. If you have been wanting to experience a deeper bond with animals, then this class is for YOU!
Location: Alaqua Animal Refuge
155 Dugas Way, Freeport, FL 32439
Class format: Classroom instruction, practicing self-help (some at the beach, weather permitting) and lots of hands-on practice with the domestic and farm animals – dogs, cats, horses, donkeys, goats, tortoises, among others – who live at Alaqua while waiting for their future families.
• $660 tuition
• $25 Textbook
• $10 Chart
Refund/Cancellation Policy: Tuition is fully refundable for cancellations up to 30 days prior to class.
There is a $200 cancellation fee for cancellations received less than 30 days prior to class start date.
To register: Click on the Register button below.
Class Organizer:
Stacie Boudreaux / 850 890 2730 /
Order Textbook and Chart: JSJ for Your Animal Companion, and a small, laminated chart are required. Please bring yours or order them from Adele's store to pick them up at class.
4-Day Class at Alaqua Animal Refuge
If you are a Jin Shin Jyutsu qualified practitioner (with 3 Jin Shin Jyutsu Spirit, Mind, Body- or Art of Jin Shin-provided courses), you can also become a certified Jin Shin Jyutsu for Your Animal Companions practitioner. You'll need 3 animal companion classes, one of which is at a multi-species facility where you can demonstrate proficiency. Many classes taught by Adele's faculty count toward the 3 required classes (confirm for each).
While Jin Shin Jyutsu supports wellness, it does not replace medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional for medical conditions.