We begin sessions with warm greetings and extending our gratitude for including animals in this vision of harmony.
The bust line is where the spirit harmonizes, connecting safety energy locks 13, 10, and 26. Placing gentle hands on these areas, one can facilitate the release of tension and stress. In practice, we demonstrate how to position your hands on the breastbone and around the shoulders of your pet, emphasizing that this technique also works well on humans.
Next, we move to the waistline, which is key for balancing the mind. We focus on safety energy locks 14 and 23, guiding the viewer to place hands at the base of the ribs to ease digestion and support mental clarity. This helps the animal relax, signaled by deep breathing and other relaxation cues.
To harmonize the body, we focus on safety energy locks 2 and 15. We place hands along the pelvic girdle and the groin to release physical tension, noting how this can benefit animals who have experienced trauma.
This understanding of bustline, waistline and hipline can be used together to create a complete healing session. We can work with animals who might not initially be comfortable with full-body handling by focusing on the neck, where safety energy locks 4, 12, and 11 offer a gentle introduction to JSJ.
This ancient practice can deepen the connection between you and your pets. With this understanding, you can foster a loving environment where healing and balance are possible for all.
While Jin Shin Jyutsu supports wellness, it does not replace medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional for medical conditions.